We take care of chronic pain

 We take care of chronic pain

10% of European women suffering from endometriosis, a cause of suffering. Chronic pain in Europe affects 20-25% of the population. In Italy, according to the study Pain in Europe, he suffers an Italian out of four. We are the first places to spread along with Norway and Poland. 17% of respondents in a sample of Italians suffer from chronic pain for more than twenty years, on average from 5 to 15 years. 58% of these patients do not care, the remaining 48% break on its own initiative therapy.
from "Il Giornale" - 10% of European women suffering from endometriosis, a cause of suffering. Chronic pain in Europe affects 20-25% of the population. In Italy, according to the study Pain in Europe, he suffers an Italian out of four. We are the first places to spread along with Norway and Poland. 17% of respondents in a sample of Italians suffer from chronic pain for more than twenty years, on average from 5 to 15 years. 58% of these patients do not care, the remaining 48% break on its own initiative therapy.

"With the law number 38 of 2010 the fight against chronic pain has been an acceleration. The pains of cancer type, those affecting diabetics, those muscles, back pain (most common), headaches, arthritis, endometriosis today are rightly addressed with adequate care. The family doctor can fight them without prescribing excessive bureaucratic constraints powerful therapies based on strong opioids precise, "Dr. Sergio Pascale, chief of anesthesia, resuscitation and treatment of Avellino Malzoni Group pain. And as that involved in the pre- and postoperative management of patients in the National Center for the treatment of endometriosis, coordinated by Dr. Mario Malzoni.