Course of Advanced Pelvic Surgery Italo-Ukrainian

Course of Advanced Pelvic Surgery Italo-Ukrainian

At the clinic Malzoni 55 doctors Ukrainians to learn laparoscopic techniques of the first in Italy. Still in the "chair" the private health facility Viale Italia, international benchmark for the medical and scientific training. These days the clinic is hosting doctors from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
For them 12 hours of lectures and 20 hours of live surgery to form primary and heads of operating units of up to 6 university hospitals with a doctor-chirureico training. From the Auditorium of the Medical Imaging in Mercogliano, doctors will be connected with the integrated operating room of the clinic Viale Italy where the teams live surgery houses that will treat diseases such as endometriosis and endometrial tumors, ovary and cervix.

The work is coordinated by Dr. Mario Malzoni and fall in a training program with the University of Kiev and Dnepropetrovsky spanning over 12 years. "We have a strong relationship with the scientific and medical community Russian who sees me partaker in 7 annual meetings directly in the operating rooms of their hospitals, where over the years we have had the opportunity to form many surgeons and be able to improve the quality of life of many patients, even outside of Italy "says satisfied Malzoni, grandson of the founder of the clinic bell and president of the National Center for Endometriosis.

The Malzoni holds the record for the largest number of interventions of this kind, over 2000 the year in 1200 endometriosis, leading the team led the Malzoni doctor and stood first in Italy thanks to the success of the interventions themselves.